Starting the first week of November the Lakefield Cemetery Staff will be placing poppies and Canadian flags at the graves of veterans in our cemetery. In addition to the poppies and Canadian flags at some of our veteran’s graves you will also see a laminated photograph and service information for that veteran. On the bottom of the laminated page there is a QR code that when scanned using the camera on your smartphone will direct you to where you will find more in depth information about that specific veteran.

We encourage everyone to visit the cemetery in November to wander through the cemetery and pay respects to our veterans.

The cemetery is seeking the help of the community to identify more veterans that may be missing from our list. Below is a listing of veterans our staff was able to identify in our cemetery. We are hoping families or relatives of veterans that have service stories or photographs of their loved ones would share them with the cemetery office, either by email, phone or by dropping in during office hours and allowing us to take a scan of the photo. We believe it is so important for our community to put faces to the names of those who have sacrificed so much for our country and our freedom. Lest We Forget


Lakefield Cemetery Veterans

Hilbert Allen 
Arthur Percy Andrews
Cecil Armstrong
John Bowie Armstrong
William Armstrong 
Charles Avery 
James G. Baker
Charles Baxter 
Albert Harry Ball
Thomas Barr
William Beale
Kenneth Henry Beavis
Donald Bell
Herbert Bell 
Mary Bell 
Arnold Bennett
Peter Best
Harold Bestard 
James Bestard 
Charles Raymond Binnington
Norman Blackburn
Harry Webster Blewett
Carl Bowes
Albert Branscombe
Ross Carson Brooks
Victor Andrew Brown
Norman Bugg 
William Joseph Bullock
John Butterworth 
Douglas Calberry
Dr. Reginald Hector Campbell
John Carman 
Joseph Leo Carr 
Glenn Carson
Harold “Kit” Raymond Carson
Henry Caunce
Harold Charlton
William Lawrence Charlton 
Sydney Chatten 
Clarwin Cherry 
William John Chesney
John Irwin Chittick
Frederick John Christie
Joseph Kenneth Church
Oscar Fuller Church
Raymond Clancy
John Walter Clarke
Walter Clarke
William Clarke
William Clattenburg
John Comar 
Helen Coons 
Shirley Covert
Elmer Crapp 
Samuel Crawford
James Crowe
Melville Crowe
John Cunningham
Roswell Curtain
Richard Davies
Roger Davis 
Samuel Davis
Donald Demers
Justin Doughty
William Doughty
Willan Dunbar
Everett Wesley Dunford
Frederick Dunford
Douglas Fenton Dunlop
Edmund Edwards
Francis Richard Edwards
Francis Theodore Edwards
Leslie George Edwards
Robert Edwards
Donald Ellis
John H. Ellis
Percy Ellis
Donald Maxwell Farquhar
Robert Smith Fettes
Robert Fletcher
John C. Foley
Joseph Freeburn
Sherman French
David Richard Friesen
Frank Frost
Robert Fulton
Edward Garnett
Albert J. Garratt 
Dr. Hugh Gastle 
Harry Gilbert
Stanley Giles 
Andrew Gillespie 
Elwood Gillespie
Grant Gillespie
Thomas Roy Gillespie
Albert Graham
Alexander Graham
Alexander O. Graham
Alfred Graham
Allen Graham
Elmer Graham
Garnet Beverly Graham
George Graham 
Norman Graham
Russell Graham
Theodore Graham 
Vincent Graham
Wesley Graham
William Alvin Graham
Norman Green
Duncan Greene
Jean Greene
Ryan Griffin
Francis Groombridge
Alfred Groves 
William George Hale 
Earl Hall
Glenn Hall
Leslie Hall
Melville Hall 
Henry Harbison
Edward Hardie 
John Hardisty 
Stanley Harrison
Thomas Keith Harrison
Vernon Hart
Carey Appleton Hartenbower
Hampton Harvie 
George Harwood
Daniel Hayward
Walter Head 
Cephas Heard
Oliver Henderson 
Donald Roger Hendren
George Grant Hendren
Lawrence Hetherington 
Gerald “Joe” Hewie
George Hewitt
Gordon Jiggs Hill
Henry Harry Hill
Sherman Ernest Hill
Richard Joseph Hill
Thomas Richard Hill
Stanley Hislop
Clayton Hockaday
Stanley Hockaday
Joseph Hoey
Donald Raymond Hurl
Norman Douglas Hurl
Peter Hutton
Reginald Robert Ireland
Delbert Jessup
Arthur Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Thomas Johnston
Winston Neils Jorgensen
James Joy
Jack Kelly 
Stanley Kidd
Bernard King
George R.O. Lambe
John Lamontagne
Jerold Lane
Marie Larocque
Wesley Lee 
David Lehman
Cephas Lemay
Joseph Lemay
William Lemay
Robert Lennox
William Tindall Lorymer
Donato Michael Lucano
Lovina Lucano
Lorne MacDonald
Morley MacDonald
Dorothy Mace
Joseph Mace
Douglas Magee
Clarence Manning
Bryan Mansell
AB James Martin 
William H. Martin
Frederick Marsden
Lawrence Marsden
Moses Marsden
Arthur Marshall 
James Alexander Martin
Frank A. Martindale
Victor Mathewson 
Janet McColl
Robert McColl
Reginald McConkey
Elmer McCracken
Myrtle Eileen McCracken
Robert McCracken
William Hilliard McCracken
Charles Richard McDowell
William McFadden
Clayton McIlwain
Wilbert McIntosh
David McLaren
Thomas McNamara
John Edward McNaughton
Harry McNaughton
Margaret McNaughton 
Roland McNaughton
Peter McNeely
Daniel Meneley 
Ralph Millage
Arnold Bruce Millar
Ernest Milton
William Moncrief 
Clayton Francis Montgomery
Frederick Moon
John “Jack” Moors
Hugh Morrison
Andrew Melville Morrow 
Walter Mullis
Merrill Myers
Noreen Myers
Milton Nelson
Stephen Nichols 
Theodore Nichols
James Nicholson
Pierce Nicholson
Pierce V. Nicholson
Elmer Whitfield Northey
Gerald Northey 
Gilbert Lorne Northey
John David Northey
Wellington Robert Northey
George Orr 
Jack Francis Otten
Norman Pammett 
John Parker
William Charles Pavy
Frank Payne
Percival Payne
Walter Edward Peacock
James Pearsall
Erie Ethelbert Pearson
James Resden Pearson
William John Peters 
Edward Pope
Dr. Gordon Porter 
Edmund Pott 
Elison Pott 
Norman Puffer
John Francis Pulcine 
Craig Reeves
Gerald Reeves
Bazel Reid
George Renwick
Harvey Rice
John Roy Robinson
William Robinson 
Osias Rochon
Bruce Rollins 
George Alexander Rosborough
Albert James Rowe
Thomas Rowe
Earl Sage
Francis Sanderson 
Anthony Schiarizza
Raymond Scott
Robert Sedore
William Shepherd
Frederick Sheppard 
John C. Sherin III
Dr. John Playter Sherin
Ellis Simpson
John Skinkle
John Sloan
Joseph Sloan
Harold Snoddon
Eion Spence
Wilbert Spence
Peter Spencer 
Walter Morgan Spencer
Louis Strasser 
Clinton Stewart
Claire Stuart
Edgar Sutherland 
Seymour Sweeting
Edward Douglas Tanney
Andrew Tedford
Edward Tighe 
Grant Torrance
Kenneth Torrance
William Torrance
William Trick 
William Trude 
Frederick Tuckett
Gordon Vallery
Hubert James Vallery
Johannes Van Eik
Christopher Veenman
George Wanamaker 
Vernon Warburton
Bertram Watson 
Melville Weaver
Thomas Weaver
Robert John Webster
Thomas Carson Webster
Robert Welsh
William Welsh 
Duncan Whetung
Gordon Wiley
Frederick Wilks
Jewell Windover
Ralph Windover
Roland Windover
Stanley Winsor
Rupert Wismer
James Brian Wood
Ronald Woods
William Wood
Donald Yale 
Dorothy Young
Memorialized But Not Buried Here
Arthur Egbert Alldred
Percy Bertrand 
Roland Marquis Bullock
Roland Carter
Lawrence Joseph Charlton
James Crowe
Urith Curtain 
Wilfred John Hull
Carl Norman Hurl
Earl Kidd 
George Noble Milburn
John Morrison
Philip Clark Spencley